If you are looking at a minor building or construction project with a budget of $500,000 or less, you’ll be working with Small Projects. Projects in this budget range can include renovating a single area or minor renovation of multiple classrooms, offices, labs or other space.
In addition to falling under a budget of $500,000, small projects do not typically require special approvals and are completed in a shorter length of time.
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Small Projects Requests@Model.HeadlineSize>
The following steps are required to initiate a small project:
- Complete a
- An FP&CP Project Manager will coordinate to identify the project concept and goals with sponsor.
- A Needs Assessment, Feasibility Study and project estimate will be generated.
- Once funding approval is obtained, then the project will be set up in the FP&CP system and started.
Small Projects Key Contact
Wendy Johnson
Assistant Vice President, Assistant Director, Facilities, Planning & Capital Programs

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