The IRS requires employers to report whether an employee and dependent (if applicable) had health insurance coverage in 2024. Therefore, employees receive Form 1095-C, which details whether they were offered health coverage by the University of Nebraska and during which months. The IRS does not require a copy of your 1095-C form to complete a tax return.
The Paperwork Burden Reduction Act, signed into law Dec. 23, 2024 has amended the requirement for employers to mail a paper copy of the form to every employee. With this new legislation, paper forms will not be mailed to employee homes unless requested.
Forms are now available online in Firefly. To access the online copy of your 1095-C form:
- Click on the Employee Self Service tile
- Click on the 1095-C ACA Form tile
- If printing, click the "Open as PDF" button at the bottom right of the screen.
- An installed, updated version of Adobe Reader is necessary to view the 1095-C. To check for available updates, open Adobe Reader and select Help > Check for Updates. Please restart the computer after any updates are applied.
If employees would like a paper copy of their 1095-C form, contact your campus benefits office at one of the methods listed below:
UNK: (308) 865-8522 or
Warner Hall 1200, 2504 9th Avenue, Kearney, NE 68849
UNL: (402) 472-2600 or
408 Canfield Admin, Lincoln, NE 68588
UNMC: (402) 559-4340 or
Administration Building, Room 2015, 426 S. 40th Street, Omaha, NE 68198
UNO: (402) 554-3449 or
205 Eppley Administration Building, 6001 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE 68182
UNOP: (402) 472-2600 or
3835 Holdrege Street, Lincoln, NE 68583